Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gary Herrera for City Council!

Today we all meet up at Capital One in Vidor to help support Gary in his efforts for City Council Member Ward 5. We had a TON of fun, spray painting hair, painting faces and temporary tattoos for the kiddos! As you can see below, we all had a great time!
We also had some bar-b-que links courtesy of Ronnie Herrera, Gary's brother.

Landon's mustache and multi-color hair!
Heather thought she was a princess and Landon wanted to be a blue tiger!

                                                Sexy unibrow/mustache, right?!

                                                       This was Landon's handy work!

The only problem I ran across was as I was trying to take pictures with my camera phone, I dropped it and the screen shattered into pieces!! I was sooo mad. Verizon was pretty close so I went and spoke with them and I have my new phone coming in on Monday. My deductible was $100...effin lame. Other than that, everything went off without a hitch. Plenty of donations, lots of people came to support not just Gary but a couple of other candidates for some different wards.

Yesterday, my friend Jess had to go to Austin to pick up something for our trip to mexico so I wound up watching Kendall and I brought Landon over as well.  They mostly ignored me and played with each other, but I was able to catch this picture:
Why she looks scared, I have no idea.  I said smile and they had a complete blast riding around. 

Keaton got home a little later and about flipped his lid when he heard Landon was there so Kendall wound up just hanging with me watching a movie while the boys played.

While the kids were playing I was on a website called  They have a TON of jobs on there so I was posting my resume to every possible place I could.  So I'm crossing my fingers something good comes from either that, or the 2 staffing agencies that I met with Thursday.

Other than that, nothing else much interesting has happened.  So I'll leave off with a funny video I'd like to share!  Enjoy!

For some reason it wont just show, copy and paste it and watch it, its least to me!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well, I guess someone was listening on my post yesterday because I've had a busy couple of days! Yesterday, I had a staffing agency call me with an opening, so I went and had a meeting with them. Hopefully something comes of it! Then today, I was on my way to pick up my nephew and another staffing agency called wanting to have a meeting with me. I don't know whether to be excited or ridiculously nervous...probably both! I'm sitting in the office right now waiting to meet with the woman who called, so if anything happpens within the next couple days I'll update! Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1st Post!

I'm Tiffany, I'm an almost 27 year old girl just trying to figure out her way in the world.  I have some amazing people in my life that keep me sane and I don't know what I'd do with out them.

Here's my Boyfriend and me                                         

 My very best friend Jessica

My sister and me being silly at DisneyWorld

My amazing nephew who can brighten up my darkest day

And a few of my other friends

Jennifer                                                                       Lindsey

                      Jess again!                                                                My girl Rachel is on the left

LeAnn                                                                                            Traci

I just LOVE this picture!

I've got tons more pictures and probably other people I could talk about, but we'll keep it at that.  I've got a VERY busy couple of months coming up and I'll keep this blog updated with it.  Like, My dad's Retirement party, My 27th BIRTHDAY!!, Jessica's Bridal Shower, her son Keaton's birthday party, Jess's Bachelorette Party, Jess and Dustin's Wedding in Puerto Vallarta!! and my brothers wedding in New York!  I hope I can make time to breath, sleep and find a job somewhere in there!

Some things about me that will probably creep up is how much I love to read, bake and I'm trying to become a little more crafty.  If I could drink wine everyday without it becoming a problem, I definitely would!  I enjoy exercising, and I'm becoming a lot more healthy in what I eat.  I'm sure Josh loves it, I make him try to eat healthy whenever I do.

Anyhow, I'll leave it at that for the first blog!  I'll update whenever something interesting comes up!